Gorey & North Wexford Website.
AIB Bank, Main Street, Gorey, (053) 94 21478
An Post, The Avenue, Gorey, (053) 94 21381
Bank of Ireland, Main Street, Gorey, (053) 94 21392
Irish Permanent, Main Street, Gorey, (053) 94 22266
Ulster Bank, Main Street, Gorey,(053) 94 20875
Pettitts Supermarket, Main Street, Gorey,(053) 94 21722
Banklink, AIB Bank, (053) 9421478
Cashere, Irish Permanent, (053) 94 22266
Pass, Bank of Ireland,(053) 94 21392
Servicetill, Ulster Bank(053) 94 20875
Banklink, Tesco Supermarket(053) 94 21111
A.T.M, Dunnes stores, Gorey Shopping centre,(053)9483520
An Post, The Avenue, Gorey, (053) 94 21381
Dunnes stores, Gorey shopping centre,Gorey,(953)9483520
Pettitts Supermarket, Main Street, Gorey,(053) 94 21722
Tesco, Millands, Gorey (053) 94 21111
Austria, 5 Ailesbury Court, Dublin, (01) 2694577
Belgium, Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 4, (01) 2692082
Britain, 31 Merrion Road, Dublin 4, (01) 2695211
Denmark, 121 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 (01) 4756404
Finland, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2, (01) 781344
France, 36 Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4, (01) 2694777
Germany, 31 Trimleston Ave,Booterstown (01) 2693011
Greece, 1 Upr Pembrooke St. Dublin 2, (01) 6767254
Italy, 63 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, (01) 6601744
Netherlands, 160 Merrion Road, Dublin 4, (01) 2693444
Norway, 69 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 (01) 6621800
Portugal, Knocksinna Hse, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (01) 2894416
Spain, 17a Merlyn Park, Dublin 4, (01)2691640
Sweden, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, (01)6715822
General Information about Ireland
Maps are generally available in newsagents and petrol station shops, booksellers, Tourist Information Offices. The maps are produced by the Ordinance Survey of Ireland and the Ordinance Survey of Northern Ireland, many being jointly produced. There is a regional "Discovery Series" of about 40 maps which have good coverage of the west and southeast and cost about €7.25 Various road maps are available from about €4 upwards. The Ordinance Survey also has an excellent map of Dublin and roadmap of the island with a hard-wearing cover at a cost of about €7
Generally, in the Republic of Ireland the banking hours of business are Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 13.30 to 15.30 hours. Some branches open during lunchtime and most open late one day a week (Thursday in Dublin). The TSB works through lunch and has later closing times: 16.00 and 19.00 on Thursdays. In Northern Ireland, banks in main towns are open 9.3Oam-4.3Opm Mon-Fri. Elsewhere, some may close from 12.30-1.30pm. In small villages, the bank may not open every day, so get cash in bigger centres. Building society banks are open longer (and, often, on Saturday).
The Euro is the currency in the Republic of Ireland and Sterling in Northern Ireland. Both have 100 denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50.
Notes are issued in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100. Some areas near the border can operate on a dual currency basis. In Northern Ireland it is very common for the banks to issue their own notes which some people may not accept in the UK due to unfamiliarity.
For more details on the check out www.euro.ie
Foreign exchange bureaus are available in most banks, post offices, Tourist Information Offices, airports, some shops and accommodation. Bureau de Change kiosks are also situated in many towns and most cities. If in doubt, secure enough local currency before travelling out of urban areas.
Hotels and restaurants often add 10-15% to the bill especially for large parties. This is not mandatory in the Republic of Ireland but is normal and of course, tipping always appreciated. Tipping in pubs is unusual except for table service.
Visa, MasterCard and Eurocard are accepted practically everywhere in service and retail outlets. Diners Club and American Express cards are also accepted by many outlets. Maestro and EDC (European Debit Card) are accepted in most places which accept Visa and MasterCard. Most credit cards can be used in ATMs, especially the Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Bank ATMs, except for American Express which can be used at Cashere machines. Eurocheques have a limit of £140 punts in the Republic of Ireland and £100 pounds sterling in Northern Ireland.
In the event of your card being lost or stolen you should call one of the following numbers which applies to you.
Northern Ireland
American Express
1-800 709 907
1-800 557 378
1-800 558 002
Diners Club
1-800 709 944
Calls to 1-800 numbers are free within the Republic of Ireland.
Calls to 0800 numbers are free within Northern Ireland.
Exchange Controls
There are no exchange controls in Ireland. Any sums of money in any currency can be freely brought into or taken out of the country without disclosure or other formalities.
Ireland offers a extensive modern digital telephone service. Public telephones have two systems, cash and callcard. Phones in the Republic take one or the other but not usually both whereas in the North they can take both. Some additional phones can take credit cards. Callcards can be purchased in many shops, all post offices and phone centres.
In the Republic of Ireland for operator assistance for numbers within the Republic dial 1190, for numbers within Britain and Northern Ireland it is 1197 and for other international calls, collect calls, booking calls and other enquiries, it is 114.
In Northern Ireland operator assistance for numbers within Britain is available by dialling 100 and 155 for international calls. Directory enquiries can be reached at 192 and 153 for international enquiries.
The tones used Ireland are a continuous high pitched tone as a dial tone, a repeated double beat tone--burr-burr for the ringing tone and a high pitched, broken tone beep-beep-beep for the engaged tone.
The main languages are English and Irish and most signposts in the Republic are bilingual. English is spoken by everyone while Irish is generally confined to pockets of the southwest, west and northwestern coastal areas, but it can sometimes be heard anywhere.
Public Holidays in the Republic of Ireland 2005 are:
1 Jan, 17 March, 2 April, 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 2 August, 25 October, 25, 26, 27 and 28 December
Public Holidays in Northern Ireland 1999 are:
1 Jan, 17 March, 2 April, 5 April, 3 May, 31 May, 12 July, 30 August, 25, 26, 27 and 28 December
Stamps are not interchangeable between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. An Post handles mail in the Republic of Ireland. Costs are 30p to the EU, 45p elsewhere for letters up to 25g and less than C5 (half A4).
Royal Mail handles post in Northern Ireland. The first class mail cost for items under 60g is 26p and 20p for second class for EU destinations. The Airmail postage for postcards is 26p to EU destinations, 31p to the rest of Europe and 37p to all other destinations. For other prices, consult your local post office.
Should you need the emergency services (Fire, Police, Ambulance or Sea/Air/Mountain/Cave Rescue), they can be contacted free by dialling 999 or 112 (in the Republic of Ireland). On answer, state which service you require, wait to be patched through to that service, then clearly state the location of where the assistance is required.
Tickets, Cash, Passport and Toothbrush!
International flights only.
Visitors returning to non-EU countries can claim back VAT on purchases being brought home. This is refunded to your credit card account or into a currency of your choice at the airport on leaving. Ask when purchasing goods in shops for a tax-free shopping form with each purchase.
The Republic of Ireland operates at 220V at 50Hz and 230/240V 50Hz in Northern Ireland. The electricity supplied is AC and plugs generally conform to BS1363 for 3-pin plugs except for shaving sockets which support most common international variants and are two-pin.
Units (Metric/Imperial)
The Metric system applies across most of Europe and Ireland. The most notable exception is the "hallowed" pint. Some local traders still measure by the pound and ounce by default.
In the Republic of Ireland the law enforcement entity is called the Garda Síochana, with both male and female officers known as Gardaí, Garda singular. Northern Ireland's police force is called the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC).
Most national UK and national Irish papers are widely available. A few shops (Eason's in particular) have selection of imported continental newspapers.
There is travel tax charged usually when purchasing a ticket to the Republic. It only applies to air and sea travel.
The legal age limit for the consumption of alcohol is 18 years.
Many accommodations and tourist attractions have upgraded their facilities for the disabled. For more detailed information contact:
In the Republic of Ireland:
Access Department
The National Rehabilitation Board,
25 Clyde Road,
Dublin 4
Tel: ++353 1 668 4181 Fax: ++353 1 668 5029
or in Northern Ireland:
Disability Action,
2 Annadale Avenue,
Belfast, BT7 3JH
Tel No. ++44(0)1232 491011. Fax ++44(0)1232 491627.
The climate in Ireland is mild and temperate. The average temperatures range from about 4°C in the winter and 16°C - 23°C in summer. Be sure to take some rain protection especially during winter and when travelling in the West or mountains at any time.
In mid-winter the sunrise times are about 8.00am and sunset times about 16.00pm. During mid-summer, sunrise is at about 5.00am and sunset at about 21.45pm.
Winter/Summer Times
From the last week of March to the last week of October Ireland is on GMT.
From the last week of October to the last week of March Ireland is on GMT + 1 hour
You need a valid passport to enter any European country. Visas are not required for everyone depending on the length and purpose of your visit. More visa information is available from the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs.
Various allowances apply for EU and non-EU residents, and for duty free goods. These are outlined at points of entry and exit. The importation of certain foodstuffs is also prohibited.
You should check that your health insurance coverage is adequate, especially if coming from North America. EU citizens are entitled to free public hospital treatment but should obtain an E111 form prior to departure. Health certificates are typically only necessary if you are arriving from a country where yellow fever is present. Some countries will require you to announce yourself to officials on arrival if you have been in contact with farm animals prior to arrival.
Restrictions and quarantines apply to the import of pets from all countries other than the UK. Check the Dept of Agriculture's information sheet for more.
Smoking is completely prohibited in:
Art galleries, museums and libraries,pubs,
Cinemas, theaters and concert halls
Suburban railway services, railway and bus station waiting rooms
Indoor sports centres, games areas in bowling alleys, bingo halls and bridge centres
Public areas in banks and other financial institutions
Food preparation areas in hotels, restaurants, cafés, pubs, delicatessens
Public offices, meeting rooms, corridors in all buildings owned or occupied by the State
Supermarkets, grocery stores and butchers premises
Schools, University colleges, pre-schools, crèches, day nurseries, play groups, etc.
Hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities
Doctors and dentists waiting rooms and pharmacies
Restrictions on Smoking
Inter-city railway trains, aircraft, passenger ferries, airports and ferryportsnon-smoking
seating area in restaurants, canteens, cafés and snack bars non-smoking