Gorey & North Wexford Website.
Ar mBreacha is a House of Storytelling where both young and old gather to tell stories, play music, sing and dance on the first Tuesday of every month and every Tuesday for July and August. Ar mBreacha is a house of hospitality where people bring food, refreshments and share them out together over the evening. Ar mBreacha explores the Irish Soul through dream work, drama, art and prayer.
The house, a restored thatching dwelling, is signposted from Camolin. Approx 3 miles
Time 8pm - 10.30pm
Admission is free
The Fr. Murphy Centre Boolavogue is another storytelling venue and is held on the 2nd Thursday of each month commencing at 8.30pm
Admission Free Contact 054 - 66898
The bygone days group at Lower Street Oulart have their Storytelling night on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Teach Ar mBreacha
Raheen, Ballyduff, Camolin, Co. Wexford
Tel: 053-9344148
Contact: Connie Rooney
Tel: 053 - 9383256