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Published on Wednesday, 10 September 2008 10:05
Written by Administrator
Hits: 9795
Grasstrack Races North Wexford
Irish Motorcycle Club Ltd est'd 1949, Affiliated to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland (S/C Ltd).
Promoters of motorcycle sports events.
Hon Secretary: C Pearson, “Keadue”, Coolballow, Wexford.Telephone: 053-9143233 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Irish Motorcycle Club in association with North Wexford Tourism will run it’s annual Grasstrack Races at Courtown on Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th of August
Cancelled due to bad weather conditions
A full programme of races with classes for Adult and Youth solo riders will be held on both days, while the four wheeled Quad bikes will race on Sunday only. Sundays races are part of a series that count toward the 2008 championships.
With an expected entry in excess of 150 riders from all over Ireland, including several highly rated ones from County Wexford, we can look forward to two days of exciting racing on this excellent and challenging track.
Starting times will be 4.00 pm on Saturday and at 12.30 pm on Sunday.
Trackside parking will be available.
Cyril Pearson.
Email :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Competition Secretary.