Ferns Castle

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Ferns Castle

Ferns Castle is a ' must  visit' From the outside it looks just a ruin but believe me never judge the book by the cover as it may be very deceiving.  I myself thought this before I went to visit but what not seen is the new building which display the art work of the local ladies the coffee shop etc. The staff are so helpful and friendly  fabulous tour guides

From the outside this may look like something that needs little investigation but believe me you'll be surprised as to how much you will enjoy and how much you will actually learn from a trip to Ferns Castle. 

The Normans came to Ireland in 1169 at the request of Diarmuid MacMurrough, the deposed king of Leinster, who sought to regain his lost kingdom. To control their territory the Normans built massive military castles at strategic points. The castle at Ferns, possibly built on the site of an earlier Mac Murrough stronghold, was constructed early in the 13th century. It consisted of an almost square block, measuring 80ft by 60ft, with a drum tower at each angle.

Ferns Castle

As shown by the trefoil-headed windows the block was three storeys high and would have been divided into several compartments. The cellar below the remains of the South West tower was cut out of solid rock and was used as a prison: Kathleen, daughter of William Marshall, was detained here in the 13th century to prevent her elopement. Located in the South East tower is a circular chapel.

Its vaulted ceiling is borne by moulded ribs resting on corbels shaped as capitals. Three windows light the interior of this 13th century architectural gem, regarded as the finest in Ireland. The tower has good arrow-loops and Ferns Casltewindows.

Guided tours available: Contact  053 93 66121